Let's say I never really knew the potential and ease that comes with crochet.
I tried knitting lots of different things; well honestly I knit(ted?!) mostly scarves and hats... I once did finish a sweater but it wasn't really fit to wear outside so it has since been unraveled.
And then... Well I can't remember for certain what brought me back to crochet. I would like to say it was falling pregnant. That would make a nice story and I did make my first little afghan for my son, but that's not what started it all.
It probably was something more trivial; like my husband needing a beanie for work.
But regardless of how I got started again I'm just so happy I finally got back into it and continue to create beautiful crochet treasures.
This post was actually not supposed to be about how I got back to crochet but about one of my favourite pieces. The strawberry and cream clamshell pram blanket I made for a friends baby girl.
This was the first time I spent serious money on real wool (well my friend actually paid). Until then I only worked with the acrylics you can get cheap at the dollar store. This time I used the lovely wool from Bendigo Woollen Mills. Even just looking at the scrumptious skeins make my fingers want to start a new work in progress :)
Lovely wool from Bendigo |
The lovely Sedef from Down Grapevine Lane told me about a crochet along (CAL) led by Sandra from Cherry Heart on ravelry she wanted to do and I just hopped onto the bandwagon.
You can find the clamshell tutorial by the lovely Cherry Heart here.
After trying (and succeeding) to crochet the pattern in the round I managed to make a questionable and slightly dodgy looking beanie (or we could call it a Fez).
mmh... more Fez than beanie |
And then I tried my luck with a small baby blanket.
I knew how the pattern worked and was so glad when my friend, who originally just wanted a simple ripple, told me I could also do the clamshell. She had picked the delicious strawberry and cream colors.
Gorgeous Strawberry and Cream |
Just so beautiful in its simplicity.
And the patterns just works up like a treat :)
They do look like little hearts, don't you think?
Can you see the hearts? |
For the border I decided to add some texture with little bobble cluster stitches and used simple shell stitches to mimic the clamshells of the blanket.
I have yet to make another clamshell blanket as I have been caught up with other vintage stitches and bunting makings (will post about these soon) but I will definitely revisit this colour combination and pattern.
Strawberry and Cream clamshell blanket |
Stay juicy Planet Earth,
Lovely color combo & great work!