Thursday, 19 September 2013

Bunting love...

Even before welcoming my little Mr Pumpkinhead I have met this wonderful group of mothers online and am so glad to have found them as there is always someone there to vent, reassure you or just laugh and chat with :)

All our babies were due in the same month and for there birthday we decided to do a secret Santa kind of arrangement. And creativity was encouraged which made me even happier.

However there was a limit on the amount of money we could spend, so I couldn't make a blanket.

But I had always wanted to try a bunting...

Some sneaky detective work in our little group revealed that my swap partner did not have a theme for her son's room, but if she did it would be transport.

And away I went making little flags, letters and cars.

So much fun!

I hope little Dylan and his mom like it.

If you would like  your very own customised bunting, please make sure to visit my Facebook page and store. I have many more designs planned including skulls, hearts, pumpkins and woodland creatures :) or just contact me with your design ideas.

I can't decide which display setting I like best but I do want to remind people that buntings are shown hanging on the cot or near toys only for display purposes and may cause a danger to little people.

I recommend you simply hang your bunting high on a wall or window where little curious hands cannot reach them. If hanging them on a cot please ensure they are safely secured to the cot every 5-10 cm (2-4 inches).

Stay juicy planet Earth,


Monday, 2 September 2013

Strawberries and cream

So a little while ago I really truly got back into crochet. I had learnt it as a child but apart from a few hats I never really made anything.

Let's say I never really knew the potential and ease that comes with crochet.

I tried knitting lots of different things; well honestly I knit(ted?!) mostly scarves and hats... I once did finish a sweater but it wasn't really fit to wear outside so it has since been unraveled.

And then... Well I can't remember for certain what brought me back to crochet. I would like to say it was falling pregnant. That would make a nice story and I did make my first little afghan for my son, but that's not what started it all.

It probably was something more trivial; like my husband needing a beanie for work.

But regardless of how I got started again I'm just so happy I finally got back into it and continue to create beautiful crochet treasures.

This post was actually not supposed to be about how I got back to crochet but about one of my favourite pieces. The strawberry and cream clamshell pram blanket I made for a friends baby girl.

Strawberry and cream clamshell blanket

This was the first time I spent serious money on real wool (well my friend actually paid). Until then I only worked with the acrylics you can get cheap at the dollar store. This time I used the lovely wool from Bendigo Woollen Mills. Even just looking at the scrumptious skeins make my fingers want to start a new work in progress :) 

Lovely wool from Bendigo

The lovely Sedef from Down Grapevine Lane told me about a crochet along (CAL) led by Sandra from Cherry Heart on ravelry she wanted to do and I just hopped onto the bandwagon.

After trying (and succeeding) to crochet the pattern in the round I managed to make a questionable and slightly dodgy looking beanie (or we could call it a Fez).

mmh... more Fez than beanie

And then I tried my luck with a small baby blanket. 

I knew how the pattern worked and was so glad when my friend, who originally just wanted a simple ripple, told me I could also do the clamshell. She had picked the delicious strawberry and cream colors. 

Gorgeous Strawberry and Cream

Just so beautiful in its simplicity.
And the patterns just works up like a treat :)

They do look like little hearts, don't you think?

Can you see the hearts?

For the border I decided to add some texture with little bobble cluster stitches and used simple shell stitches to mimic the clamshells of the blanket.

I have yet to make another clamshell blanket as I have been caught up with other vintage stitches and bunting makings (will post about these soon) but I will definitely revisit this colour combination and pattern.

Strawberry and Cream clamshell blanket

Stay juicy Planet Earth,
